Boy Oh Boy – Summer is here! Complete with bare feet afternoons sipping on some delicious lemonade with the sound of little laughter squealing in delight. We are off to a great start!
Back in April we joined Melanie Mendes and Emily Van Unen of M & Em Signs for their big Urban Farm Sale… We had such a great turnout and in the back yard was the cutest little lemonade stand. They had it all decorated so cute and the kiddos were selling lemonade and goodies from it. I’m not going to lie… it made me a bit giddy excited at the thought of rounding up some little ones and doing a little stylized session out there… So we did! Have a look!Just a few pictures of M & Em’s works of art and a little shameless plug 🙂 Click here to see their facebook page…Â
I loved having a playful afternoon with this crazy crew! I appreciated Emily inviting me to bring my two rugrats too! They loved every moment of it too! Those little blondies belong to me 🙂
Why thank you! I’d love a glass!!!
How handsome is he?
and at this point Ryder can hardly contain his excitment! Miss Emily brought out the bribery suckers and Ryder is yelling as loud as he can “sucka… sucka” like we would forget to give him one or something…Â
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