I can’t help but hear the song in my head … “I believe I can fly… I believe I can touch the sky… ” —— “if I just believe it… then I can doooooo it… I believe I can fly” specifically in the movie Space Jam… Remember Space Jam? That looney toons basket ball movie? Starring Bugs Bunny and the that duck… what was his name? Either way I love these sweet afternoons with my kids. There is just something about these precious times that is good for all of us! I could tell Ryder knew I was paying extra attention to him … he kinda puffed up his little chest when he would make a basket… and would slip me a sly little look to see if I was still watching… and yep I was!
This next one is my very favorite of all of them from this afternoon playing at Nana & Papa’s… This trike is especially special because Papa repainted in for Blakers and now the kids get to enjoy his artistry… and I was in love with the pop of color for pictures too… (:))
She cracks me up… she kept spinning in circles around me… going faster and faster…
I literally took some time an sat on the ground and just watched him… drank him up! I feel like he is growing up way to fast… talking more and more each day… understanding more and more each day. But I adore the determination in his steps, the spark in his eyes and the giggle in his look… I know he is going to be trouble for me because he kinda had me wrapped around his finger! Can you blame me?
Welp… that’s one way to stop the ball!!!
These are the pictures where my Space Jam reference really come into play… I just picture this little guy flying through the air and slam dunking the ball… and even if he just dunked from a few inches off of the ground… the look on his face looks like he soared through the air … The accomplishment and excitement on his face is priceless!!!
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