Be a Dreamer and a doer!
I remember watching my dad working in his home office… on his desk he had a little cartoon that read “never… ever… give up”
I feel like he taught us that day in and day out! Dream big!!! and work harder!!! That wisdom was hammered into us as athletes on the court, as students in school… and then as adults just adulting. My pops continued to support us in big ways. “There is nothing that you can’t do,” he would tell us! Set your mind on it Korina (which is my full name and only used when seriousness is going down 🙂 Work hard and the sky is the limit. My dad believed in me and 8 short summers ago my dad bought me my very first big girl camera! It was a camera I got to shoot my very first wedding on! It was a brand new… totally sparkly Canon 5D MKII (that we still have as our trusty in case of emergency back up) My dad believed in me and to me it was more than just the financial investment. It symbolized that he believed that I could do it. That I could pursue the passion of my heart to capture such special memories for clients.  And what an amazing journey it has been!  (there she is pictured below… I don’t have a name for her… but I love her lots!)
We have had the honor of shooting hundreds of weddings and sessions of families, babies and seniors over the last 8 years. Through our business the have had the honor of getting involved in the community and raising thousands of toys and pjs for foster kiddos. And we know that photos that aren’t just photos… they are moments in the lives of clients we adore so stinking much! So many first looks whether down the isle or in the delivery room… Moments that you want to just soak in! And for me… over the last 8 years I have loved adventuring with so many of you! Seeking out those beautiful connections… looking for the good to hold onto and capturing it on camera so you can hold onto it too! And LOTS and lots and LOTS of yummy light! I absolutely LOVE it! I laugh a little bit when people ask what my dream job is… because I always say MINE! It’s more work than what you see on social media but I absolutely stinking love my job!
All inspired because someone believed in me! (l0ve this photo of my dad giving Rhi a little mid-game pep talk!)
Now that Jared and I have a young crew of our own it is pretty inspiring to pass on that same encouragement! Dream Big and Work Harder! And I love seeing my pops (who my kiddos call Gpops… get it like grandpops) sewing that same work ethic into our kiddos. My momma heart can’t wait to see how the unique passions unfold in each of our kiddos. The sky is the limit and there’s nothing they can’t do when they put their mind to it and back it all up with the work! I want them to know that WE believe in them! That we want to be a part of walking them through their dreams!
Wishing my Dad a very happy Father’s Day!!! Thankful for you so much!
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