Today’s story is a fun one! Lacee King is here to share her passion. She is a genuine breath of fresh air. She is a wife to Mike, momma of three and a grower of lovely flowers. She is what she calls a backyard flower farmer.

Our hubbies have been friends for years and I have loved connecting with Lacee as young marrieds in small group but now as our kiddos are in school together it’s fun to walk through these stages of life! She made my week during the season of my accident one day as she drove on the yard with one of her heart grown and hand picked bouquets for me. Y’all it was a tough season and when she came by to let us know she was thinking of us and cheering us on with a lovely bouquet I was so thankful! I have never been more convinced that those real life, in person, should to shoulder connections are where the best parts of life happen! It takes heart and intention but the loving of others just brings such good stuff to our community! It was in those little bits of encouragement that we received during that time that grew these stories into what they are becoming. We wanted to shout loudly that there are incredible people doing incredible things right here in our own backyard (pun intended!) There are people day in and day out showing others that they matter. And we think that is pretty stinking cool! It’s so easy to get caught up in the latest debate (and you know I love a good respectful exchange of critical thought) or trend on IG which can make us feel so isolated right there on your very couch. But we think the work that our storytellers are doing is pretty stinking cool… and we are pretty stinking excited to share Lacee’s story today!

She has a heart for design, and texture, and color and pulls all of those things together through her bouquets. I jokingly said I was a brown thumb… and she said she’s not sure that she’s a green thumb she just plants so much so that if half of it dies it still looks like she has a lot left over. 🙂 I love her! Keeping it real!
She grows things that are seasonal… it’s stuff that is local and grown with a lot of love and care. When they first moved into their house her hubby Mike spent a lot of time putting their yard in. So she said that if she wanted to spend time with him she had to get outside and chase him around the yard to get that time with him. (one of my favorite parts of her story! Such an encouragement to work hard at spending time with her love and such a beautiful passion has come from that!)
The more that Lacee spent time out there she has found it is therapeutic, and quiet and life giving. Growing flowers matter because there was this excitement surrounding putting something in the ground… waiting… and then having it bloom. Even more excitement knowing that she would share them with others. Started by sharing with her neighbors and then it grew. And she gets to be a part of other people connecting with other people. She loves hearing the stories of others sharing flowers and the sentiment behind it. HINT HINT… she loves it when she gets husbands who stop by to just buy flowers because he just wants to surprise them.
To get to be a part of people loving on others matters.
I can still think of that day that Lacee showed up with that lovely bouquet and loved on us. When i was in a neck brace, wired shut, struggling. Yes its pretty flowers but its someone saying I am thinking of you, cheering us on telling us that we are not alone.

Flowers are Lacee’s passion. But Lacee encourages others to find what it is that they are passionate about in the space that they have in the season that they are in. Starting to figure out your passion can be hard. The thoughts of challenges… that self talk “girl – who do you think you are? There are people doing what I am doing and doing it well so who am I to step into that space? Is there space for me? Nah, You can’t do this!”
She had to learn how to recognize that negative self talk and to not let it in. She had to learn to trust where her heart was leading her. She had to get out of her own head and JUST START DOING IT!
And she is. She is doing it well.
She talks about the journey and how it’s been good to except where she is! And who she is! She is doing something that is the right sized for her. It allows her to step into the role that she has and enjoy it.

There is so much pressure for people to constantly be thinking bigger and extreme. But I really think there is so much incredibleness in embracing the space that you are in. And being all in. And owning that space. And doing it well.
Literally I joked with Lacee that for her it is a literal space that she is rocking so well. Her lovely backyard is one for her fill with flowers. That is exactly where she is planted. The place for her to grow. Lacee keeps showing up and planting everything she’s got in the space she’s been given. And impacting the community around her in both small and big ways!
Keep showing up in the space you have been given.
“Don’t let what you are afraid of… keep you from what you are made for” – Bob Goff
Lacee is doing an incredible giveaway! Cue all of the cheering! One month of free flowers from her lovely garden. (so you do need to be local to win!) One bouqet a week for one full month. She said she will have all sorts of beautiful summer stems to choose from.
And then in addition she is giving away one bouquet to two additional winners! Whooo hooooo!!!
1- make sure to follow @prism_bouquet and @koriandjared on IG
2- Like our giveaway post on IG and share it to your story using the little share icon. (Make sure to tag us so we can see it)
3- Then comment on our giveaway post telling us you entered and we wanna know… what flower is your favorite? And tag a friend for more entries!
Giveaway starts on July 10th and goes through July 12th. We will announce the winner on the 12th. Feel free to share more for more entries!
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