A dream is your creative vision for your life in the future. You must break out of your current comfort zone and become comforatable with the unfamiliar and the unknown. – Denis Waitley
I was recently inspired by a new friend, Karen Stott, who had shared her list of 101 things… and I had the exciting joy of helping her cross off driving over the Golden Gate bridge from her list… and it got me thinking about my dreams and aspirations… I’ll admit some of these are silly ideas but all of them impact my heart and dreams in some way. There is something incredibly powerful about writing things down and setting out for them. I think sometimes it can be easy to get caught up in the daily chaos of life and forget how to pursue goals and a bit of adventure. So with that said…I am excited for this little journey to challenge myself and to set out for an adventure… and mostly to have a little fun! And I think today… of all days of the year {my birthday} is a great day to start and share with you my list of 101 things in 1001 days…
Start Date: September 1, 2011
End Date: May 29th, 2014
1. Memorize Proverbs 31
2. Ride the Ferris Wheel at Balboa Island
3. Do a 30 day photo challenge
4. Get Certified as a Professional Photographer (CPP)
5. Go for a road trip in the Cadi
6.Launch The Rustic Poppy’s Website
7. Bake Christmas cookies with Rhian… and made a really big mess
8. Teach Ryder how to blow kisses
9. Find a great pair of jeans
10. Make a fort with the kids in the living room and sleep in it
11. Send 10 handmade cards in the mail
12. Finish a tough mudder competition
13. Have a real tea party with Rhian
14. See Phantom of the Opera
15. Have Italy Stamped in my passport
16. Get a passport
17. Buy Jared a Laptop {yay for editing help}
18. Send just because letters to my grandmas
19. Have four Friday family nights {in a row}
20. Ice skate in Rockefeller Center {Karen inspired}
21. Upgrade to the 5D MkIII (when it finally comes out}
22. Put up family photos on our wall behind the couch
23. Make something with Jared in his shop… power tools are a must
24. See a Broadway play
25. Clean off my office desk
26. Reach 1,500 Recollect Photography Facebook Fans
27. Have our family photos taken by Maggie Holmes
28. Take my kiddos to the park once a week – no phone or camera
29. Go to a drive in movie… and make out with my hubby
30. Go on an overnight scrapbooking weekend
31. Take a Paleo Friendly Cooking Class
32. Go to Balboa Boat Holiday Lights Parade
33. Run a 5k
34. Actually do 5 diy ideas I’ve pinned on Pinterest
35. Take a web design class/seminar
36. Drive down pch in a convertible
37. Go to a photography workshop
38. Go to the San Francisco Zoo
39. Finally go digital with my scrapbooking
40. Plant a vegetable garden
41. Get CPR certified {again}
42. Dance in the Rain and jump in the puddles
43. Go to the shooting range and shoot with Jared
44. Complete my sample albums
45. Take an overnight trip with Jared {no kiddos}
46. Take a self defense class
47. Go to Portland/Vancouver to see treasured friends
48. Eat dinner on our fine china
49. Photograph a military homecoming
50. Have a scrapbooking layout published
51. Fix our bath tub
52. Create a fun email newsletter both Recollect and The Rustic Poppy
53. Go to the city by myself and take only 150 photos… take each one with intention and thought
54. Stylize a Wedding Shoot and team up with 4 other vendors
55. Spend an entire day with NO electronics
56. Watch a documentary
57. Make a will
58. Get photography work published in print or blog
59. Finish our family celebration plate
60. Put up bathroom mirrors
61. Clean out office
62. Throw out/donate 150 things
63. Get caught up on Rhian and Ryder’s digital books
64. Set up an entire stylized table in the middle of a field and have a picnic with the family {Inspired by Karen}
65. Go paint a picture with my dad
66. Sell 5,000 frames with The Rustic Poppy
67. Pay off Vanderbuilt Loan
68. Blog 1 personal post a week
69. Complete P90x
70. Take a ballroom dance class
71. Go on a missions trip and share the gospel with photography
72. Enter a photo into the county fair
73. Sew something
74. Bless 5 families with a photo shoot- capture their family memories that they might not have been able to otherwise
75. Loose 10 more pounds
76. Build my Showit Site
77. Go on a Back pack overnight with the family {did I mention our kids are 10months and 2 years… yep we are crazy}
78. Make a new friend
79. Attend WPPI
80. Save up for our emergency fund
81. Take Jared to a 49er game {while I wear a packer shirt}
82. Plant a basil plant for my fresh bruschetta
83. Plant a rosemary bush for my rosemary potatoes
84. Buy a little black dress and go on a date with Jared
85. Buy a camping trailer
86. Go camping for a week along the California Coast
87. Go Country Line dancing with Meagan {hats and boots are a must}
88. Do a photo project 52 for our family {one photo a week for a year}
89. Inspire someone else to make a 101 in 1001 days list
90. Make Tiramisu from scratch
91. It’s a secret… Just for Jared
92. Stick $5 in a jar for every thing completed in time…
93. Baby no. 3???
94. Make a new 101 list
95. Start in person session reveals
96. Find a way to serve someone monthly
97. play coed softball or volleyball with Jared
98. Complete a coloring book with Rhian
99. Tie a note on a balloon and let it go
100. Spend a rainy day in pjs and watch movies all day long
101. Make a digital scrapbook of my 101 things journey
So here’s the scoop… You pick 101 tangible… measurable… and attainable goals for yourself. Then you give yourself 1001 days to complete your list. I’ll post a photo update every now and then… I would love to see your list and hear how you are doing with it! Please leave your thoughts in our comments section and I’d love for you to share a link to your list too!
I hope you found a little inspiration for the heart!
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Kori! I LOVE this! We share a lot of common aspirations! You’ve really motivated me to do my own… I’m a list maker and love to scratch completed things off! What a great way to keep the important things… well, important! Thank you!
[…] about who we are… who we want to be. We have grown so much this last year and one of my goals (which was even part of my 101 things list) was to create a website that truly reflected my personality and heart for what we do. After a few […]