Yay!!! It is that time of year again! Just last night we were pulling into the driveway and the kids begged Jared to go “down the isle” meaning go down the road to scout out all of the new christmas lights as they oooohhhh and ahhhhh and squealed with delight. I love all of the awe and wonder the kids have during this time. It is for sure the most wonderful time of year in our home… but the reality is for others it’s not. During the holidays our social workers told us that there always seems to be a higher intake of children into our local foster care agencies. More kids wondering whether or not Santa will know where they are or if they will get any presents for christmas… and this was the shocker for me… many kids NEVER owning their own pair of jammies. It breaks my heart… so many kids dealing with such big heavy stuff when what they should be worrying about is playing dress up or racing toy cars.
Foster Kiddos have a very special place in our heart and we believe in tangibly loving on them. We are doing a TOY & PJ drive for local San Joaquin County Foster Kids. Last year we were blown away by you… our clients! We are pretty much convinced that we have the best clients out there! You teamed up with us to share these toys with some incredible kids! So we are doing it again this year… This year we are hoping to double the amount of TOYS and PJs that we give them. So here’s the scoop with all of the details…
We will have a super fun holiday themed portrait booth at the Homespun Christmas Boutique.
23212 S. Austin Road, Ripon CA 95366
Join us any time from 5pm-9pm on Thursday December 5th – no appointment needed!
For every donation of Toys or PJ’s you will receive 3 digital files. We will deliver your digital files via digital download with in 7 days of the boutique. Our little set will look a bit different than last year’s boutique which is posted below and I am so stinking excited! Please join us… tell your family and friends… anyone you know who might be interested in joining with us to love on these foster care little ones and having some fun holiday portraits of your kiddos.
Also… take some time to shop some of the other very talented ladies sharing their creations at the boutique! Can’t wait to see you there!!!
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I love this! So amazing, you guys are great.