kori & jared


Davis Family {Ripon Family Photography}


POSTED IN: Families

Loved our little adventures with the Davis Family! We did a little bit of exploring… but my favorite moments are those sweet snuggles… and we had lots of those! Excited to share this family session!

2015-09-22 Brandy Davis- Kori and Jared Photography-5072015-09-22 Brandy Davis- Kori and Jared Photography-5122015-09-22 Brandy Davis- Kori and Jared Photography-5182015-09-22 Brandy Davis- Kori and Jared Photography-5202015-09-22 Brandy Davis- Kori and Jared Photography-5222015-09-22 Brandy Davis- Kori and Jared Photography-5262015-09-22 Brandy Davis- Kori and Jared Photography-5272015-09-22 Brandy Davis- Kori and Jared Photography-5322015-09-22 Brandy Davis- Kori and Jared Photography-5392015-09-22 Brandy Davis- Kori and Jared Photography-5362015-09-22 Brandy Davis- Kori and Jared Photography-5442015-09-22 Brandy Davis- Kori and Jared Photography-5512015-09-22 Brandy Davis- Kori and Jared Photography-5592015-09-22 Brandy Davis- Kori and Jared Photography-5822015-09-22 Brandy Davis- Kori and Jared Photography-5652015-09-22 Brandy Davis- Kori and Jared Photography-5702015-09-22 Brandy Davis- Kori and Jared Photography-5742015-09-22 Brandy Davis- Kori and Jared Photography-6022015-09-22 Brandy Davis- Kori and Jared Photography-6072015-09-22 Brandy Davis- Kori and Jared Photography-6162015-09-22 Brandy Davis- Kori and Jared Photography-6262015-09-22 Brandy Davis- Kori and Jared Photography-6312015-09-22 Brandy Davis- Kori and Jared Photography-6332015-09-22 Brandy Davis- Kori and Jared Photography-6372015-09-22 Brandy Davis- Kori and Jared Photography-6482015-09-22 Brandy Davis- Kori and Jared Photography-5972015-09-22 Brandy Davis- Kori and Jared Photography-595


Little Notes

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forever kind of love.

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