I was so full of emotion the night of homespun… I literally sat on the couch with tears streaming my face as Jared and I talked through the night… (ok, it may have been partly due to exhaustion… 🙂 but mostly because I was humbled to be a part of such an incredible night. For […]
Adore… I absolutely loved meeting and spending time with this sweet couple! This session was about capturing their love for each other… and celebrating the start of their adoption journey. When I first got her email about what she wanted to do for their session… it was totally inspiring. And she worked so hard to […]
I remember a night early on in our foster- adoption process long before we were even matched with our sweet Jax, it was the night I stayed up late reading the foster care rule book. I remember being saddened by some of the things that were in there as rules for foster families… Things like […]
THE RISK… This whole process of foster adoption has been refining. More refining than I ever had imagined. The emotions have been so hard to articulate let alone communicate. It has been a process that I have been working so hard to be surrendered to. Most days have battled between hopeful and intensely frustrated… some […]