I had such a sweet… sweet time this past weekend! This is a bit of a personal post… I met up with our social worker from San Joaquin County and we were able to capture mini portrait sessions for 12 kiddos in local foster and foster adoptive families.
For years Jared and I loved serving in the high school ministry at Big Valley Grace. Each week we lead a small group of high schoolers and really loved connecting with our high schoolers. Jared and I both have a heart for serving… but as soon as we had our first child our time and focus became a bit more centered in our home. And as our family has continued to grow the time for serving has changed a lot. That’s why I love creating opportunities were I can serve… with the time I do have… with what I love to do… in a way that blesses others…
There is something truly sweet about connecting with others without expecting anything in return… simply loving on these families. Each family had their own story and I gleaned just pieces of their stories but each one was such an encouragement to my heart! Each family in a different place – foster placement, adoptive placements waiting for thing to be official, some adopted, and one of the last sessions really hit home. It was a sweet little one waiting to be placed in a concurrent home. This one touched my heart especially because these pictures that I was taking of this little one would be pictures that their adoptive family would have of their little life before they came home. Kinda makes me a bit teary because we literally have nothing of Jax from before he came to us. So I think what a neat treasure for this little one and their forever family.
The idea for doing these mini sessions came after we delivered the toys from our incredible clients in December . We were brain storming a bit with our social worker about how we could be a blessing in the future and we totally recognized the need for foster kiddos to have pictures of themselves. Sometimes portrait photography can really be a luxury thing and for some of these kids they may never have had their pictures taken in this type of setting… and with every sweet one that I got to capture… it made my heart joyful to be able to give them those extra special images to them… something for them to hang on to… to use to share this part of their story whatever their story may be. I am super excited to do this again!
Our highest goal is to love on these little ones and their families who sacrifice so much to provide excellent care and love… Part of that includes protecting their identity… so we got a little creative and we were able to capture some of their cute little feet. I love feet pictures! Not only are they incredibly adorable!!! But it also reminds me of the life they represent and how those sweet little feet will carry them through life.
So thankful for other families who take all of the risks to love on these beautiful children…
So thankful for these families who so freely give of their time, their home, and their heart to pour into these precious kiddos
So thankful for their stories who encourage others to do the same!
So here comes my little challenge… I totally believe that everyone is uniquely equipped with talents and a heart for someone… we personally believe in foster children and the families who love on them… but figure out what you are good at… who you have a heart for and take a few moments out of our life… to serve someone else. It will change your perspective… it will touch someone else… and it will most certainly inspire your own heart! You don’t have to be super qualified… you just have to be willing.
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What a wonderful ministry! I have wanted to do something similar with the foster kiddos I advocate for (I’m a CASA) but just haven’t done it. After reading your post it gives me some motivation to just do it~!
This is awesome. We adopted our first 2 children through foster care in San Joaquin County. They are now 18 and 15. While we have some pretty young photos of our youngest (about 6 mos. old while in foster care), we don’t have but 2 pictures of our oldest younger than the age of 4. You really are providing something wonderful for these kiddos! Good luck on your foster/adopt journey!